Wedding Bouquet Cyanotype

Flipping through photographs isn't the only way to remember your wedding flowers. Rose Mattos and Erin Heath of Forêt Design Studio help make beloved blooms last forever with this step-by-step guide to creating a bouquet blueprint on cyanotype paper.

Photo: Cambria Grace Photography




1. Fill the plastic tray with water, but keep the Sunprint paper in its light-blocking sleeve until you're ready to use it. Just like photographic paper, the solar sheets will be ruined if exposed to sunlight.

Cambria Grace Photography

2. Survey the light in your area. Any shadows that cross your Sunprint paper will be captured with your bouquet, so find a large open area in order to complete the project.

Cambria Grace Photography

3. Lay your Sunprint paper down in the sunlight, with the pale-blue side facing up. Place your bouquet onto the paper and quickly style any trailing ribbon to your liking.


4. Step back and let the sun create a chemical reaction on the sheet. Allow the bouquet to sit for about five to eight minutes in full sun, and up to 20 minutes if there's heavy cloud coverage.

Cambria Grace Photography

5. Once the time is up, remove the bouquet and immediately submerge the paper in the tray. The water will stop the chemical reaction and cause the print to temporarily disappear.


6. Lay the sheet on a flat surface to dry, either in or out of sunlight.


7. The sun-exposed areas will turn to a rich blue color, and the shaded spots will become white with tones of pastel blue.



Photography: Cambria Grace Photography

Bouquet and Cyanotype: Forêt Design Studio

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